En taller de inglés de 3er año los alumnos aprendieron acerca de la cultura de Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido con Miss Henny. Al finalizar el trimestre tuvieron la oportunidad de entrevistar a Toby Penny, un joven de Liverpool, Inglaterra, para que les cuente un poco más acerca de su propia cultura. Fue una oportunidad muy valiosa para que los alumnos puedan comunicarse con una persona del Reino Unido en su lengua materna y así demostrar el alto nivel de inglés con el que cuentan para entender a Toby y expresar sus propias ideas. Les compartimos una foto de la clase y opiniones de algunos alumnos acerca de la actividad:

“It was a nice and interesting experience. The pronunciation of Toby and his personality were very funny and unusual, but I really enjoyed the lesson.” – Juan Bautista Ponda. 

“I really enjoyed the activity because it helped me to improve my English and learn about The UK. Also, Toby was very nice. This was so fun!” – Nicolás Agustín Sánchez.

“In my opinion, this was a very good activity because we were able to practice our English and learn about British Culture” – Milagros Morán. 

“I really enjoyed the activity because I learnt new things about The UK, the lesson was very interesting and Toby was really sweet” – Luisina Maza. 

“It was a very good opportunity to practice our vocabulary and pronunciation. Being able to talk to a person from England is very important.” – Catalina Palacios Maruf


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